The Ear Trumpet

Hearing aid history is filled with inventions, from the ear trumpet in the 17th century to the high-tech hearing aids we have today. Jean Leurechon, a French priest, was the first to mention ear trumpets in writing in 1634. By the late 18th century, their use was becoming increasingly common.

Hearing Loss in History – Hippocrates

Did you know that the study of the hearing started as early as 4th century BC? Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, was said to have been the first person to try to understand hearing loss. He was the first in written history to use clinical research to try to understand hearing loss. He hypothesized that hearing loss came from injury to the skull. He also believed the wind and changes in the weather could be a factor.

October is National Audiology Month

In the month of October, we are celebrating National Audiology Month drawing awareness to the study of hearing, balance, and associated disorders. Roughly 13,000 audiologists in the United States work every day to diagnosis, treat, and educate to aid in the prevention of hearing loss. But where did everything start? Let’s go back in time to see who was the first to study hearing loss and how the scope of audiology has evolved into the profession it is today!

New Research Article on Hearing Health Care Needs in Rural Alabama

We are so happy that another paper was just published in the American Journal of Audiology on the “Assessment of Hearing Health Care Needs in Rural West Central and South Alabama” by Marcia Hay-McCutcheon, Emma Brothers of the Hear Here Alabama project and Rebecca S. Allen of the Alabama Research Institute on Aging. What are we talking about? Purpose: Hearing loss has become a significant public health concern because of its association with physical health, cognition, and emotional well-being. Age-related […]

Celebrate Better Hearing & Speech Month in May

We celebrate Better Hearing & Speech Month in May to raise awareness about hearing and speech disorders which can impact any age of life! We hope to encourage others to celebrate their hearing health through hearing education and prevention. Early identification and diagnosis of hearing loss is an important first step in taking charge of your hearing health! Do you want to know more? Visit Hearing Resources on our website and learn about how we hear, hearing loss and prevention. […]

Spring Has Sprung!

Surrounded by bright flowers blooming and sweet smells but you may also notice the sounds of spring. Birds are chirping and the bees are buzzing but what you also hear is the roaring of lawn mowers, blowing of leaf blowers, and other loud sounds that can be harmful to your hearing! Did you know that exposure to these loud sounds in as little as one minute can have damaging, permanent effects on your hearing? The good news is there are […]

WHO is celebrating World Hearing Day!

“Ear and Hearing Care for all – Let’s make it reality” this is the motto from the World Health Organization (WHO) for World Hearing Day today Friday, March 3, 2023! The Hear Here Alabama Project continues to make this motto a reality for rural communities in the state of Alabama. In America today, hearing loss affects 48 million people, or 1 in 7 Americans. The Hear Here Alabama Project has made advancement in the 2023 year, beginning the very first […]