Hear Here Alabama mobile audio clinic

Hear Here Alabama!

Housed in the Department of Communicative Disorders at The University of Alabama, our nationally-funded program has been serving adults with hearing loss in West Central and South Alabama communities since 2016. We provide hearing screenings and hearing evaluations as part of our research program that aims to improve access to hearing healthcare in rural communities. Our grant funding is allowing us to understand how to best provide Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids to adults living in rural communities.

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Blindness cuts us off from things, 
but deafness cuts us off from people.

Helen Keller


  • The Sonic Landscape of Dining: Exploring the Impact of Restaurant Noise on Hearing Loss
    In the bustling world of dining, where flavors collide and conversations intertwine, there exists an often-overlooked element that significantly shapes the overall experience: noise. For individuals with hearing loss, navigating the auditory chaos of restaurants can be an uphill battle, with recent studies shedding light on the profound effects of […]
  • Dr. Marion Downs: A Pioneer in Early Hearing Intervention
    Dr. Marion Downs was an audiologist who made significant contributions to the field of hearing care. Her dedication and passion have transformed the way we approach newborn hearing screenings, which has had a positive impact on the early intervention and lives of many children. Marion Downs’ work still influences modern […]
  • Happy New Year!
    We hope you had a great holiday season. We are excited to start 2024 and get back to work. We are hitting the road in February with our truck to do some hearing screenings. If you are interested, please check the dates on this website or follow us on Facebook […]