The Sonic Landscape of Dining: Exploring the Impact of Restaurant Noise on Hearing Loss

In the bustling world of dining, where flavors collide and conversations intertwine, there exists an often-overlooked element that significantly shapes the overall experience: noise. For individuals with hearing loss, navigating the auditory chaos of restaurants can be an uphill battle, with recent studies shedding light on the profound effects of noise pollution on their dining experiences. The Decibel Dilemma: Unraveling the Impact of Restaurant Noise Restaurants, by their very nature, are hubs of social activity, where the clinking of glasses […]

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Dr. Marion Downs: A Pioneer in Early Hearing Intervention

Dr. Marion Downs was an audiologist who made significant contributions to the field of hearing care. Her dedication and passion have transformed the way we approach newborn hearing screenings, which has had a positive impact on the early intervention and lives of many children. Marion Downs’ work still influences modern hearing healthcare. Her goal was to help all children hear, communicate, and thrive. Read more about here:

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Happy New Year!

We hope you had a great holiday season. We are excited to start 2024 and get back to work. We are hitting the road in February with our truck to do some hearing screenings. If you are interested, please check the dates on this website or follow us on Facebook to stay updated. Source: Adobe Stock

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Happy National Rural Health Day!

Today, we celebrate the Power of Rural and the spirit of rural America. Join us in honoring the dedicated healthcare providers, State Offices of Rural Health, and rural stakeholders making a difference in these communities. Because rural communities are wonderful places to live and work, which is why nearly 61 million people call them home! We take great pride in serving some of the rural areas of West Central and South Alabama by providing free hearing screenings ensuring access to […]

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Over-the-counter Hearing Aids

These hearing aids can be purchased without seeing a doctor or any prescription on the internet or in the store. Approved for those 18 years and older with mild to moderate hearing loss. OTC hearing aids allow the opportunity for adults with difficulty hearing to have access to hearing healthcare so that they may be better able to communicate and improve their overall quality of life. The FDA approval of Over-the-counter hearing aids has allowed hearing health care to become […]

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Modern Hearing Aids

Today’s digital hearing aids use a processor that enhances the signal and delivers it to the receiver. Many modern hearing aids today come with Bluetooth connectivity and smartphone integration allowing users to stream music directly to their devices or to connect them with a TV. Their discrete size and appearance are drastically different compared to the first devices created like the Akouphone. There are even premium level hearing aids that utilize artificial intelligence which allows automatic adjustments to certain environments […]

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Earl Hanson and the Vactuphone

The vacuum tube era revolutionized hearing aid technology. The Vactuphone, a device introduced in 1920 by Naval Engineer, Earl Hanson used vacuum tubes and a telephone transmitter to translate speech into an electrical signal. The Vactuphone improved the overall quality of sound amplification compared to earlier devices. The vacuum tube era laid the groundwork for further miniaturization and innovation in the field.

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Portable Hearing Aids – the Acousticon

A portable version known as the “Acousticon”, was patented in 1902 by Hutchinson, found the greatest success and drew worldwide attention. This hearing aid consists of a round carbon microphone without volume control, and an earphone with a detachable metal headband as well as an on-off switch on the back. With the Acousticon, hearing aids became more accessible and practical for everyday use compared to its predecessor the Akouphone. Queen Alexandria, consort of Edward VII of England, asked Hutchison to […]

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The Ear Trumpet

Hearing aid history is filled with inventions, from the ear trumpet in the 17th century to the high-tech hearing aids we have today. Jean Leurechon, a French priest, was the first to mention ear trumpets in writing in 1634. By the late 18th century, their use was becoming increasingly common.

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